Hi there! I'm Andy, a lifestyle adventure photographer, writer, and outdoor enthusiast!
I’m a mama to two incredible humans, and you’ll often find me sauntering with them through the forest, camping, climbing, skiing, and spending time in nature together. I love learning new things, living bravely, and challenging myself. I have a few tattoos, love writing, and my thick hair is almost always in braids. I have a Masters degree in Education and enjoy working with kids and adults helping them learn new skills and ideas. I think giving back to our communities and our world in positive ways is imperative as a human species, so you’ll frequently find me volunteering my time as a board member for a non profit foundation whose mission is to promote gender equality. I wear a lot of hats (literally and figuratively) and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you’ve followed me for any period of time you know it won’t be long until we are in deep conversation about loss, grief, and this wildly beautiful and painful human experience we are all sharing.